day 2 (butterflies and vin diesel)


installing lightroom.  eating a banana.  got the serial number wrong the first time.  must include "eating bananas while inputting numbers" on my list of inappropriate multi-tasking.  maybe there's something to this ...

well, unitasking has certainly gone well the last hour and a half.  edited a whole folder of photos in lightroom.  of course, that's not really saying anything.  when i get in my photo editing zone, a posse of alien ninjas led by vin diesel could storm the study and i wouldn't notice.


ugh.  double ugh.  i effectively unitasked sleep last night, and i am now multi-tasking getting up and staring into space.  somehow i managed to roll the covers into a perfect cocoon since joel got up.  if i stayed in my cocoon another 3 hours, i would emerge a lovely, energetic butterfly.  as it is, i think i'm still in the melted caterpillar phase.

i've set a timer.  will work on email and nothing but email until it beeps.

score for unitasking.  processed entire inbox. (i was deleting emails from last year...)

another entry for inappropriate multi-tasking: attempting to blow out a candle while brushing one's teeth.  enough said.

driving.  drinking a latte. talking on speakerphone. checking voicemail transcriptions.  but not listening to the radio or checking email!  maybe i should have been a little less specific at the outset. ok, no eating, drinking, phone-ing of any sort, putting on makeup, going through purse, or changing clothes while driving.  sigh.

practicing piano.  not allowed to get up for any reason.  not even to trim my fingernails, which are a half a millimeter past the point where i like them and are bugging me.  i keep my fingernails very short.  arg.

writing this blog.  did you know that multi-tasking wastes the united states 650 million dollars per year (according to the official statistical institute of random number generation, presumably)?


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